Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Powder keg...

John Wisely, a staff writer for the Detroit Free Press wrote a pretty scary article in the Nov. 18 issue of the Free Press.

But really, how bad can it be?

Well if you haven't heard, a man named John Horn in Pasadena, Texas killed two, hispanic men with his shotgun while on the phone with a 911 operator. The internet is flooded with debate on whether he's a hero or a vigilante.

And now...

Type "black panther party john horn" into google and the first two links are a white supremacy group's site.

Is this really an issue of race, or is there a bigger picture? The States deserves to be watched very closely in the coming years.


James Bowie said...

The two burglers just HAD to be black....

Michael said...

I read somewhere they were hispanic.