Saturday, September 22, 2007

Clearer answers...

Things are never explained as good as they should be. Especially when it's a politician trying to explain it. Hope this helps people to make a decision.


James Bowie said...

It's worth noting that the video is produced by the Citizen's Assembly - the same group that is proposing MMP. This explains the ridiculously friendly and pro-MMP tone of the video.

I'm going to vote no. You should too.

Michael said...

I'm not sure what I will vote just yet. I like coalition governments in federal parliament, but I'm not sure how I would feel about one provincially.

Also, I think the list seats are a bit of a fucked up concept. As if parties are going to assign seats based on how much they're liked by the party itself.

I do, however, enjoy the idea of voting one person as your rep, but having the choice of a completely different party to represent the province.

(leave it to me to have to delete a comment because of a typo).