Sunday, May 10, 2009

Never good enough...

The GOP is playing hot potato with terrorists. Seems that Guantanamo detainees are too dangerous to keep on American soil now that Gitmo's being closed up. Can't America just put these dangerous convicted suspected criminals on an Island somewhere?

Oh, wait... right... nevermind.

Anyway, the Senate republicans have brought in the Junior A/V Squad from the Ronald Regan Secondary School in Feartown, Patriotica to make a movie about the whole debacle.

Wait a minute... who was that 27 seconds in to this epic masterpiece? Hey! It's Omar Khadr, the Canadian kid who's Charter rights got trampled on and we've been trying to repatriate! Ah well, he's a terrorist now, so I guess he doesn't have rights.

But hey, you know what, Senators? I think if you ask us really nicely, Canada can take Khadr off your hands. I mean, I know he's absolutely terrifying in that picture you showed in your movie trailer. (What was he, 15 when he was detained?) I know, he's scary. But I think we can handle him.

But don't you ever think of asking us to take that vicious terrorist, Ashton Lundeby.

He's pure evil. Lundeby sounds like it might be Iranian or something. One of those evil countries that worships satan and speaks backwards and listens to rock music. I mean look at this kid.

Pure. Fucking. Evil.

He reminds me of Kevin Bacon from Footloose. And we all know what kind of shit disturber HE was.

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