Tuesday, May 5, 2009

All work and no play...

I've been talking about this working class burden on Canada for years. It's no wonder some of the first school shootings were in Canada. If I knew half my life would be spent making a shit wage for some heartless company only bent on product output and not their employees, I'd want to shoot the fuck out of everybody, too.

I worked at a large retail store after highschool. When it came time for my raise, this one store which made many tens of millions of dollars could only spare a thirty-five cent raise for most of us who were living under the poverty line (after the government tax-rape.)

Even now, with a simple morning routine and a commute, my work day takes up almost 10 hours and yet, somehow, I'm still hanging around the poverty line.

I'm not a work-a-holic. Not for a bi-weekly paycheck. Work to live, not live to work. But North America doesn't support this concept like almost the entire continent of Europe does.

I was talking to a Lebanese cab driver this weekend about his trip back home last year. He said when you go for food in Lebanon, it's a six-hour feast with friends and family, outdoors, surrounded by palm trees the natural beauty of the country. And when they drink, its to socialize. Not to get fucked up and puke on the corner of York and Dalhousie.

A Jamaican man I worked with, Omar, said Canada and America have all the opportunity in the world which is what makes us great. But you have to sacrifice your life to grab it.

This is not the way I want to live. Can you tell I don't want to go to work today?

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