Friday, April 3, 2009


Harper missed out on his club photo for the yearbook.

But cut the guy some slack. Reports have it that he was in the shitter.

For an hour and a half.

According to NDP finance critic, Thomas Mulcair, he's been missing out on lots of fun things since the last election.

I guess even with a record loss for the Libs, Harper still couldn't get his majority. That sure to losen up anyone's bowels to know that even though people hate your enemies, they still don't like you very much either.

According to the PM's office, he was 'delayed by an advisor.' Must have been John Scotts, Minister of Plumbing. He's always up Harper's ass with last minute important shit.

Seriously, look at the official photo re-take. Does Harper look like he just had an important conversation about political matters? Because to me it looks more like people don't want to get near someone who has irritable bowel syndrome and just got back from a rude poop.

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