Wednesday, February 20, 2008


In Journalism class yesterday, our teacher decided to get all philosophical on us. It was rather refreshing. And now for your academic pleasure and curiosity; my notes as copied from the board:

Morality and the role of journalism:

- Information is power.
- Truth and power seldom co-exist.
- Comfort the afflicted & afflict the comfortable.
- Shed light on darkness: Argentina, Pakistan, Russia, China.
- Choice of story/story angle is a moral/political decision.
- Consolidation of media = fewer voices crying in the wilderness.
- Truth implies devotion to individuals rather than causes/collectives/governments/interests.

Your duty:

- Fair and accurate: both sides.
- Honesty with sources/editors/employers.
- Fearlessness/courage.
- Dig deep.
- Don't allow yourself to become co-opted.
- Be true to yourself; fight for your principles.
- Acts of commission/omission.

This whole part of the lecture/discussion was proceeded with the question, "What do you want to die for?"

It's a valid question for those of us who really want to make a difference in the world. According to the Press Freedom Barometer - 2008 on the Reporters Without Borders website, 5 journalists this year felt their story was worth more than their lives. 129 more are imprisoned along with 63 "cyberdissidents" and seven media assistants.

I don't know if those stats make me proud to live in Canada or confirm that western journalists tend to become lazy, trite and safe compared to the rest of the world.

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