Monday, January 14, 2008

Rowling in the dough...

J.K. Rowling is suing a publisher for trying to print a Harry Potter lexicon without her permission. I would be a little pissed off too if I were worth a billion dollars and someone was trying to cash in on my only good idea.

And even though Rowling has no actual chance of winning the suit, she's going to fight the good fight anyway because she was planning to write her own Harry Potter encyclopedia. Even though she encouraged the fan-created website which spawned the idea for the soon-to-be-published lexicon.

I guess it's okay to contribute to the Harry Potter universe as long as you're not getting paid for it.

And what's not to like about it?

An epic story of a young boy with glasses and a scar on his head from England, destined to be the greatest magician the world has ever known. And with his trusty pet owl, Tim Hunter will escape his family troubles and leave his ordinary life behind in search of a grand destiny.

Tim Hunter? Sorry, I mean Harry Potter.

I get confused sometimes. See, the same year the idea for Harry Potter suddenly (magically?) formed in Rowling's mind, there was a brand new comic called The Books of Magic on the shelves. And as you can see, it's hard to get the two plots confused.

Ah well, my mistake.

Anyway it must really suck to have someone take your idea, make money off of it and get away scott-free.

You know, I really hope J.K. stands for "JUST KIDDING!" because this whole lawsuit situation is laughable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Haha That's funny. I mean, I knew about the lawsuit, but I didn't know about the whole comic thing. hm.

Well put.